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Member Info

We have a lot of tools and resources available to our members. You’ll find articles here that explain where to find them- and how to use them.  We also have articles explaining our policies and procedures, and anything else we think might be useful to our clients.

Using SugarWOD

Want to have an effective ‘Daily Regimen’, but not sure where to start? Want to improve your performance without breaking the bank (and wasting time)? We’ve got you covered! Access our range drill of the day, plus daily workouts (from our trainers and from Crossfit Mayhem) in SugarWOD… and easily record and track your performance!

Crossfit Mayhem Programming

We are pleased to offer programming from CrossFit Mayhem. If you’re not familiar with CF Mayhem, it’s the gym owned and operated by 8-time CF Games champion Rich Froning. Their programming is top notch and, maybe more importantly, their values (Faith. Family. Fitness. Service.) align with ours.